Join Us

Please complete all fields below to register for your free account. All fields on this form marked with an astrix (*) are required fields and therefore must be populated with the relevant details before you can continue.

Firstname *
Lastname *
Email Address *
Password *
Confirm Password *
Partner Firstname
Partner Lastname
Unit Type

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Below you will find a description of each field:

  • Username - this is a unique name that you may choose, if your required username is already taken you will be notified when clicking the "Create User" button.
  • Password - The password must be at least 7 characters in length, contain at least one number and one symbol (i.e. !£$%^&*(){}[]<>?@#|)
  • Confirm Password - Please re-enter your password that was typed into the "Password" field. These passwords must match.
  • Email Address - A valid email address must be provided.
  • Security Question - Please provide a memorable question such as "Mother Maiden Name?".
  • Security Answer - Please provide the answer to your memorable question.

If you are still having difficulties with this form please contact the respective commitee member via the contacts page.